Monday 3 August 2009

My First Post...

Firstly a warm hello to anyone who has happened across this, my very first venture into the occasionally beautiful but more often disgustingly shiny underbelly of the blogosphere.

Seeing as today's news has been filled with the usual contemptible cocktail of New Labour's thinly veiled totalitarianism and the wider scandalous behaviour of our Westminster overlords I cannot see how I can attempt to unpack it in anything approaching a light-hearted manner. So I shall simply restate, in block capitals, the opinion of the reasonably IQued. On our behalf I say to all those whom use either MP, PM or Lord (especially you Mandelson) as a prefix before their names: "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OUR LIVES AND OUT OF OUR POCKETS YOU CORRUPT WHORES!"

Now, in a more respiratory system friendly fashion, I'd like to take the opportunity to let you know what is likely to crop up in this nouveau blog of mine. Obviously politics will feature quite heavily; that is when it is safe for me to write about it without reaching for the nearest rope/tie/shoelace. To get this out the way my political views are, in a word, libertarian. Small government, free markets and personal liberty? Oh yes. Yet I'd say I'm far more Smith than Friedman, if that is of any consolation. Also vying for wordy attention are my internal literature goblin and my egotistical lust for writing up my private excursions in a manner which presents them for the 'general reader' when, quite clearly, they would only be of interest to me. Or perhaps also the Labour Party's omniscient wet dream.

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